Dave started performing at the tender age of 14 in London’s famous Covent Garden. Years of entertaining classmates but certainly not teachers came to a head and he finally ran away to join the circus. After a very successful first year, Dave decided that it would be prudent to expand his skills base and enrolled as the youngest ever student at what was then, Britain’s only Circus School – Fool Time, now Circamedia. He soon realised that there was much more to performing than just doing tricks. With a new spring in his step and a bewildering array of possibilities at his finger-tips, Dave started to put together what are now world class indoor and outdoor shows, The Great Dave and Kiki & Pascal.
In 2004, whilst touring Australia as an actor, Dave decided to start training the rare and seemingly impossible art of kicking cups, saucers and a spoon to a balance on his head whilst riding a 6 foot unicycle. He had been practising for several months when he fell 9 metres down a cliff in an unrelated accident and broke his back in two places. Dave noticed that he had no movement from his waist downwards and after 2 of the longest days of his life, regained a tiny bit of movement in his big toe, then a bit more in his foot and it was then that he promised himself that not only would he walk again but that he would – against the advice of his doctors – get back on the unicycle and finish the new trick he had started to learn..
After almost a year of physio, hydrotherapy, good old-fashioned determination and a few manly tears, Dave got back on his unicycle and, almost 2 years to the day performed the cup and saucer kick, on a 6 foot unicycle at the Taste of Tasmania to huge acclaim and …a few manly tears!
Since then, Dave has stopped crying and toured the world performing this amazing feat. Dave is constantly training, adding more cups and saucers to the stack and devising more and more ridiculous situations for the Great Dave to get into and out of.
The Great Dave’s obsession with tea has led him to abandon his country’s traditional poise and execute a trick “rarely seen outside of The Chinese State Circus”. Watch and be amazed as he kicks cups, saucers and a spoon on to his head, whilst riding a unicycle!!! Dave has “brewed up” his special blend of bumbling English comedy in every corner of the world over the last 20 years. His cheeky smile and self-depreciating sense of humour will make you love him from the outset, but his lovable antics are only the tip of this enigmatic iceberg.
The Great Dave’s show Tea For Two serves you the perfect blend of high skill, improvisation and comedy. He is a juggler with a difference, obsessed with the English tradition of tea. Milk and two sugars, three metres in the air, on one wheel, balanced on a pole or kicked in the air and caught on his head? The man is funny, really funny, and he does some amazing things with tea cups and saucers, spoons, sugar cubes and a unicycle. He will leave you reaching for more of his delightfuly playfull sense of humour, and who knows…… maybe a nice cup of tea!
“…deliciously funny, superbly executed comedy. Love has never been so overlooked …”
Abrakastaya is a very magical comedy with a blockbuster romance thrown in for an extremely pleasurable end. We have all heard the term comedy magician, but take your preconceptions and stuff them in your rabbit, cause these two will surprise you.
Kiki and Pascal present astounding big illusion magic and some small ridiculous tricks of there own creation, but all that is secondary to the journey of these funny characters. In the show they live like magician and assistant, but the show is all about what lies beneath. In between the amazing magic you will find yourself thrown into a world of slapstick, dance acrobatics and desire. What does a beautiful, clumsy French not so starlet have to do to win the affections of a stuffy self involved English Magician. You might ask why would she want too? Well, we all have our weaknesses, as you yourself will discover as audience volunteers provide intense love triangles. Add to equation dark boxes, small spaces, knives and blades at every turn and this show is a live action romantic thriller. It has the romantic symbolism of Cassablanca, the craziness of Tom and Jerry and all the thrills and spills of Die Hard. This show is inventive inspiring and hilarious.
You will identify with these characters and their struggles, but most of all you will be impressed by their skill and joy. Abrakastabya is feel good entertainment that will have you in stitches.
“Beautiful magic, but then who really cares, these two are seriously funny and disturbingly crazy, I loved it. “It’s Magic””